General Insurance Services of Asheville, Inc Blog Page 45
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Tuesday, June 12, 2018There may not be anything worse than placing the car seat in a car. They tend to be difficult to secure. Yet, you know how important they are for your child’s safety.
Many parents recognize the benefits of a rear-facing seat right away. And, most recommendations are for children to remain in this position as long as possible. READ MORE >>
Thursday, June 7, 2018Some auto insurance companies provide married people with discounts on their insurance policies. Why does this matter?
It is always important to understand that car insurance companies focus on risk. When determining how much a person should pay for their coverage, they base this on how much risk is present. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, June 5, 2018Are you planning to build a garage onto your home? You may be thinking about the differences in an attached and detached garage.
It may be a good idea to speak to your home insurance agent about the difference. Various factors impact the cost related to each type of garage. You should know what to expect before you invest here. READ MORE >>
Thursday, May 31, 2018To be a safe driver, you must ensure you're able to drive properly. Many people get behind the wheel when they are really too tired to drive. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports tired driver caused 846 fatal accidents occurred in 2014. They also note that 83,000 accidents occurred as a result of drowsy driving. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, May 29, 2018Your driving habits often impact how much you pay for auto insurance. The best way for car insurance agencies to know how safe of a driver you are is to use your driving record. Your state's department of motor vehicles collects this information. It includes any instance in which you break the law while behind the wheel. READ MORE >>
Thursday, May 24, 2018Tesla unveiled a new type of roof shingle. The shingle integrates a solar panel into it. These are attractive and typical looking solar roof panels. They work to collect solar energy. They can work well to power your home. And, they are expensive.
Tuesday, May 22, 2018When it comes to starting a business, you need to cover you, your employees, and your clients with business insurance. What if a customer slips on a wet floor and breaks a bone at your store? You are likely liable for paying their bills.
Accidents happen.
Thursday, May 17, 2018A fire can quickly destroy a home. Fires occur for many reasons. A spark in your electrical system can create a life-threatening and fast-moving fire. Your oven may catch on fire. Fires can also start in the garage where flammable liquids are common.
No matter what happens, having a fire extinguisher on hand is essential. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, May 16, 2018As Asheville and surrounding counties rapidly grow, contractors continue to play a vital role in our community—they get the job done while taking a lot of risks in the process. We want to be a rich resource to our valued contractor customers and make sure they have the right insurance coverage to fit all their needs. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, May 15, 2018Many people like to give their dogs a ride in the car. Pets like it, too. However, dogs can be dangerous for many reasons. You do not want to have to file car insurance claims due to an accident related to your pet.
Does that mean you cannot take your pet for a ride? You do not have to give it up. READ MORE >>
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